Saturday, 20 September 2014

She Loves You Stupid! and The Pilot Client.

Hello, I am Mustafa.
My first Client came to me he said some crazy new idea about finding a girlfriend, of course he didn't knew that he was my first client and nor did I. He was my friend and he always has ideas to attain his one goal find a new girlfriend. So he comes to me and says he will make a clean profile on some marriage portal website and get some dates and then if he did that he will send everyone one of his crushes since high school an immediate update, so they come to know that he is serious and they'll come running to him, but I did not let him and told him that it was crazy idea, he was only able to create profile on this site and then he went to his latest crush and talked to her face to face and told her how he felt, he found the love of his life and got married, but now after five years of his marriage standing before me as a client, he is not currently standing as my officially first client but the case actually started way before so on that behalf he is my pilot client. 
He has received a message, now, on one his marriage portal profile, and it is from his wife, How is this possible Mustafa? my friend? tell me. Everything Stop! his wife account! it could be hacked! Everything Resume Did your wife had an account? Yes. Everything Stop Somebody hacked her account, some virus maybe its easy these viruses these days, but why did someone had some Stalker? Could it be ? His idea worked ? There is some Girl who found out about him, one of his previous crushes maybe. Who checked his profile by accident after his marriage maybe and now suddenly feel affection towards him? Sound interruption Client speaking I have a daughter Mustafa! Five years old. I'm Worried about her. Everything Stops my friend he is always telling me about his daughter, I've known her since five years, wait a minute. Everything resume stop my friend, I want to see your wife's computer, "So are you taking the case? Mustafa", client said. "I already have solved it, After you!". Then who is it Mustafa? And why is this person doing this? Because my friend she is growing up and She Loves You Stupid!.
You want to know Who was it? C'mon figure it out. What did I found out in her wife's computer if her account was not hacked, I checked the browser's cache and the account was logged in and there was a history from her computer it was his daughter who was grown up to his father and her mother together felt the to see them together and sent messages. Kids these days, loves technology and grows fast.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Modern Private Detective

Hello, I am Mustafa.
Now is the time I tell you what I do most of my time. Suppose there is a serious threat to one of today's "Aristocratics" world, by any individual in the world, say Google, I am writing this blog in google and they have every right to read that I am talking to them, I can tell them anything, and they will know, even if I am sharing anything with my friend they know, and if I tell them to closest of my friends, they knows everything about it. Lets say they came across something they should have not known in the first place, some  SECRETS they won't to get rid of. guess who they come to me.

That's right, That's me.

In the words of my predecessors, Modern Private Detective.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

One Sided Love

Hello, I am Mustafa.

I am sitting on a chair, thinking about how can I use kids innocence to make money, but wait what's a girl doing on my lap, God! her hair smells good, wait where was I? Oh! yeah, I should go to a stationary shop, now she is kissing me on my forehead, I'll have to buy some drawing sheets some colors, now she is kissing me on my chicks, why the hell is she kissing me? I need to get my focus right, I will have to buy some pencils and then I would need Maps, and now she is removing her clothes, please don't do it!, my god she did.